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Launch of the New Website.

Launch of the New Website.

Its time! is now live and open for business. For years we have been known as the "behind the scenes guys" producing high quality body jewelry for many different companies that private label our products. Although we have built a great business in doing so, it separates us from  what we are really passionate about, YOU, our unique customers that share in this fun lifestyle. We want to be way more involved with the actual customers that enjoy our products, not just the distribution business. So...Here we are, launching our community website,

We have some exciting plans coming about over the coming months and on through the year... Tons of new products along with some amazing rewards programs and some cool new promotional plans. We will be expanding our social media platforms to introduce new products, showcase fun and exciting photos of our products in use by our customers, and hopefully allow many of us to stay in touch, share ideas and fashions and just have a little fun! We are so happy to have you along for the ride, please keep checking back, lots of good things to come in 2014! 


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